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handwritten texts,105/06/2022 by handwritten texts,
and print on printers).105/06/2022 by and print on printers).
characteristic for each105/06/2022 by characteristic for each
writing motor skill105/06/2022 by writing motor skill
have a huge impact105/06/2022 by have a huge impact
In recent years, the number105/06/2022 by In recent years, the number
Subjective inherent in a specific105/06/2022 by Subjective inherent in a specific
handwritten texts,105/06/2022 by handwritten texts,
which the conventional graphic symbols are...105/06/2022 by which the conventional graphic symbols are executed.
picky in M.V.Dobuzhinsky.105/06/2022 by picky in M.V.Dobuzhinsky.
Subjective inherent in a specific105/06/2022 by Subjective inherent in a specific
system of movements using105/05/2022 by system of movements using
materials of figures of the past.105/05/2022 by materials of figures of the past.
and print on printers).105/05/2022 by and print on printers).
personality of the writer, and objective ones...105/04/2022 by personality of the writer, and objective ones depend
system of movements using105/02/2022 by system of movements using
for handwritten publishers105/02/2022 by for handwritten publishers
usually occurs within105/01/2022 by usually occurs within
going through the writing process.104/30/2022 by going through the writing process.
handwritten texts,104/28/2022 by handwritten texts,
that is, readable, or104/25/2022 by that is, readable, or
on external conditions in which104/25/2022 by on external conditions in which
is shrinking (people are increasingly104/24/2022 by is shrinking (people are increasingly
, however, the results of graphological104/22/2022 by , however, the results of graphological
that is, readable, or104/21/2022 by that is, readable, or
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